Installation Too install the demonstration of “Ltd_XS”, drag the icon named “Ltd_XS 1.0 (Démo)” into your Quark XPress folder. Drag the icon named “Ltd_XS Setup 1.0 (Démo)” onto your hard disk. it is not mandatory to put it in the same folder as Quark XPress. Setup To protect your documents, “Ltd_XS” should be setup correctly for the type of work you allow on the document. Start “Ltd_XS Setup” by double clicking on its icon. After a few seconds the following dialog should be displayed.   Figure 1 This dialog is only an help of what “Ltd_XS Setup” will ask you. In this case, it need to know where the XTension (“Ltd_XS”) is on your hard disk. After clicking “ok” the following dialog is presented.   Figure 2 Select the XTension and click on “Open” button. This will bring the following dialog onto the screen. From now every dialog will be presented with an online help explaining the purpose of each button.   Figure 3 SET MENUS: This option allow you to setup the menu option you want activated or disabled. If you clik on the "menu" button, the dialog is replaced by a help window. Displayed menus are the ones found in Quark Xpress.   Figure 4 For a menu item to be active, this one should contains a check mark (⇧ on its left side). To activate or disable a menu item you just have to select it. NOTE: Two style menus are displayed on the right of the menu bar. They are respectively the style menu displayed for a picture and for a rule. The style menu displayed on the right side of the "edition" menu is the one used for text. Once the menus are setup, lick in the box located in the upper left corner of the window. This will bring you back to the main dialog. SET TOOLS: The "Tools" button will allow to define which tools will be available to the user. When you click on this button, the main dialog is replaced by the one below.   Figure 5 For a tool to be activated, the corresponding check box should be checked. Otherwise the tool will not be available to the user. NOTE: You should have at least one tool activated. If none of the boxes are checked, "Ltd_xs" will default to the selection tool (second from top). When finished click on the "Done" button. This will bring you back to the main dialog. LOCK TEXT BOXES: If this option is on (you have a cross inside the square), "Ltd_XS" will automaticaly lock all text boxes in the document when opening it. For this option to be safe you should also disable the menu items "Modify->Lock" & "Modify->Unlock". If this option is activated it will not be possible to modify the size and position of text boxes. LOCK PICTURE BOXES: If this option is on (you have a cross inside the square), "Ltd_XS" will automaticaly lock all picture boxes in the document when opening it. For this option to be safe you should also disable the menu items "Modify->Lock" & "Modify->Unlock". If this option is activated it will not be possible to modify the size and position of picture boxes. LOCK RULES: If this option is on (you have a cross inside the square), "Ltd_XS" will automaticaly lock all rules in the document when opening it. For this option to be safe you should also disable the menu items "Modify->Lock" & "Modify->Unlock". If this option is activated it will not be possible to modify the size and position of rules. DISABLE BACKSPACE: With QuarkXPress it is always possible to delete accidentaly one or more boxes. If you use the drag tool (first top tool) to select one or more boxes and if you press the backspace key the boxes will be deleted even if the boxes are locked. With this option on, it will not be possible to use the backspace key while using the drag tool. So it will not be possible to delete accidentaly a box. SAVE: This button will finish the current setup session and will bring you back to the finder while saving the modifications you've done. CANCEL: This button will finish the current setup session and will bring you back to the finder without saving your change.